07 April 2012

Holy Week '12

No, I didn't go out of town nor did I spend my Holy Week in a beach or resort... I spent it the way it should be: in the church, praying. It may not be as extravagant as yours, but this year's Semana Santa is special for me 'cause I spent it with God and with the best people on earth, my family. My titas, titos and cousins came over to celebrate Good Friday and Black Saturday with us. We had a seafood feast on both days, which is still appropriate 'cause we didn't eat any meat. Overall, my Holy Week was a happy and meaningful one.

Here's my week in photos. Didn't take much because a) I was busy enjoying b) laziness took over me.
Mom's bday in Padis.

My brother feel asleep in the luggage. Bwahaha. Uploaded the photostrip in FB.
Kayenne's nail art by yours truly :D
Warm blue polish on my nails.
Hahahaha! The best score I had. I suck, I know. :P
P.S. Sorry for the low-quality photos, iTouch camera sucks.

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