14 February 2012


It's that time of the year again. Some are busy planning their dates, some hopelessly wait, and some whine about being single.

The latter, I don't get. I've been reading bitter notes and complaints from some people in Facebook. Wake up, guys, it's just Valentine's day, not the end of the world! Quit whining. Being in a romantic relationship is not the only reason to celebrate this event, you have your family and friends! It's the time to show them your love and gratitude, if you won't be able to on the remaining 365 days. 

And why is being single suddenly a big deal? Oh please. Instead of feeling sorry for these guys, I just get annoyed. You may think I'm biased because I'm taken, but when I was single, I never acted that way. I never complained why I was dateless 'cause it's my choice, and back then, watching Lucas and Brooke's tandem on OTH was way better (and cheaper) than going out. I was alone then, but I had fun.

Anyways, this year's VDay is another first for me. For the last 2 years, C & I had our dinner date in Congo Grille Mall of Asia. But today, we're celebrating it via Skype. Not the ideal "Hearts' day" date, but it's better than not talking at all.

Something from my grandma. :)
Le eyebags.

 Happy Valentine's day, everyone! Keep spreading the love!


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