02 February 2012

After a hard days work

After days of trying to wake up early, I finally did! I woke up at 9am today. Yay me! If you subscribe to my Facebook account, you'll know how fail I was 3 days ago when I was supposed to get my NBI, police, and barangay clearances but was only able to obtain a cedula after leaving home at 3.30pm. I should've known better, right? Anyways, left home at 10am to process my NBI clearance and to run errands for my grandparents. Arrived in the NBI headquarters a few minutes after 10, and OMG was the queue soooo long! After 2 hours, they called for a lunch break and I was nowhere near the end. Went to Zentea for a quick dose of milk tea goodness, met up with Rufy at R1 to give her orders (Check out my For Sale album in FB if interested), then went somewhere to pick up documents for my grandparents. Back at the headquarters, I waited for another 4 hours to finish processing. FOUR FRIGGN HOURS!!! By 5.30 pm, I finally got hold of the prized "NBI clearance" then headed straight home.

At home, by the terrace, was a beautiful sunset, so I took some photos using Instagram. Lookie!

After a hard days work, nature really does wonders :)


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