06 February 2012

Sniffles & florals

I've been feeling sick since last night. The only thing I hate about the cold weather is when it brings along the sniffles. I am mouth-breathing again, my head's too heavy and my sinuses hurt. :( I'd rather have a runny nose than a congested one! Water therapy doesn't seem to work on me and medications take forever to take effect. I hate this! I remember one time, back in my college junior year, I had cough and colds for more than a month! My classmates kept teasing me that I had Tuberculosis, which was bad timing, 'cause we were just discussing about Communicable diseases that time, and TB was one of them. Thank God, it was nothing serious, just me being my feeble self.

Despite of the sick vibe, I still managed to run errands. I went back to EastWest bank for my unfinished business. This time, the counters served so quickly that I didn't even notice that it was my number they're calling. I also went with my grandma to the mall to buy supplies in National Bookstore. My dreamy-slash-nerdy self wanted to buy all the books in the Best Sellers shelf, but then I snapped into reality too quickly and realized how impoverish I am these days. Haha.

And since I promised my brother to "help" him with his gift for his girlfriend this VDay, I volunteered to buy the gift and wrap it as well. Haha.

I don't know why I'm so addicted with floral patterns nowadays! 
The hardest part was tying the bow. I hope it stays tied until the 14th!

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