07 February 2012

On hiatus

My impulsive self had just deactivated my Facebook account for the following reasons:

  1. I need to work on more important things for now. Nowadays, I spend  more or less 10 hours a day in front of the laptop, replying to messages and comments, liking my friends' posts, browsing my news feed and secretly spying on certain people. I just can't do those things for now, I need to focus on looking for a job.
  2. I need to have my normal sleeping pattern back. Since Facebook keeps me awake until 7 in the morning (at most), I would do myself a favor if I deactivate it for now. My eye bags are starting to look more like eye "luggages" (lol corny), and I've been having more breakouts than usual. I want to start living healthy by sleeping for at least 8 hours at night and waking up in the morning to eat breakfast which is something that I haven't done for a long time.
  3. Nothing's new. Same people doing the same shit every single day.
  4. I want to introvert myself for a while, and what better way to spend time alone is by reading a book. First on my list is the classic Mario Puzo novel, "The Godfather". Or I could just watch the Chief Justice's impeachment trial on TV. Exciting!
  5. I want to stop playing Tetris. It's starting to consume me. I daydream about it often, and when I close my eyes, I see colorful tetrominos falling. Freaky.
  6. I don't want to project the I-am-always-available-I'll-be-waiting-here-in-Facebook kind of vibe. It should have not been a big deal for me if some people would only learn to appreciate. Now I'll be playing Ms. Hard-to-Get, good luck to me!
So this away-from-Facebook thing will be for only a week. (Hahaha talked like it's going to be forever). Or maybe longer, it depends. Updates of me will be posted here in my blogger account.


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