30 January 2012

2012 is all about BIG changes

Since the start of the year, I've been embracing a lot of changes in my life. I must say, I'm coping up really well with all of these. To name a few:

1) My new 'do. This was the first time I had my hair cut this short. Well, not short short, but shorter than my usual hair styles. I've always considered my hair my security blanket, and the idea of chopping lengths of it off have never crossed my mind. But for some reasons, I had to, and surprisingly, it wasn't that bad. Now I'm thinking of getting a shorter one soon.  

2) Career mode on. It's been a long and lazy hiatus... Good bye, 7-month bum life! Thanks to the sleepless nights in front of the television and laptop, to the missed meals, to the back pains due to overstaying on the bed or couch. It was pleasant, but I am not looking forward for more of it. I NEED A JOB! ASAP! I've already started preparing myself for some hospital hopping and job hunting. Wish me luck!
Babe and I at the airport before his flight

3) LDR with C. This has got to be the toughest situation I've been in with regards to relationships. I've been preparing for this change since early last year, but until the day he left (January 13, 2012) I am still unprepared. I know it's risky; problems would arise more frequently and it would be kazillion times harder to deal with. But I have so much faith in the both of us, I know he's worth the wait, and I'm trying my best to let him feel the same.

4) Blogging... again. Yes, I'm back and I wouldn't be leaving anytime soon! This may not be considered a big change for me 'coz I've been blogging ever since I was in first year high school. I started with Xanga and LiveJournal (kiara_roxx), then Multiply (whenvanitystrikes), then just recently Tumblr (keaiism). All aforementioned are either closed down or inactive. This blogger account will be the ONLY one I'll be using for now, so beware of posers.

Change is not always bad. You have to welcome it in one way or another. Who knows, better things may happen through these changes, right?

xx, keaiism

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